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Teen Driver Collisions and Summer Road Safety


Motor vehicle collisions have risen generally over the last several years, and some types of crashes have occurred with more frequency than others. According to a recent article in MarketWatch, teen driving accidents have increased sharply in number since 2020, and it is particularly important to pay attention to risks of teen driving collisions since crashes involving teenagers also tend to happen more often during the summer months. Indeed, data from the National Safety Council (NSC) shows that traffic injuries and deaths rise from May and into September. July and August are two of the year’s deadliest months for car accidents, regardless of the age of vehicle drivers and occupants.

Given that more teen drivers are on Virginia roads during the summer months, during summer vacation, it is critical to consider teen driving safety and injury risks. Our Richmond auto accident lawyers can tell you more.

Teen Driving Injuries Are Rising 

Rates of teen driving crashes and injuries have risen sharply in the last couple of years, and the data makes clear that there is a significant need for addressing teen driving safety issues in Virginia and throughout the country. According to the MarketWatch article, more than 203,000 teen drivers were injured in crashes in 2021, and there were more than 1.3 million teen drivers involved in traffic collisions that were reported to police. The overall rate of traffic crashes rose by more than 20 percent from 2020, and more recent statistics suggest that the upward trend has continued.

Currently, teen drivers make up only about 5 percent of licensed drivers, but they account for about 13 percent of crashes involving property damages, 12 percent of collisions involving nonfatal injuries, and 8 percent of fatal traffic accidents. There are a number of factors that make teen drivers less safe than other motorists, including lack of experience behind the wheel. Yet teen drivers are also more likely to engage in risky behaviors, including distracted driving (texting while driving in particular), and intoxicated driving. In Virginia, teen drivers make up a total of 12.2 percent of all deadly crashes in the state.

Adding in the Dangers of Summer Driving 

During the summer months, there are simply more vehicles on the roads, and there are more drivers who are intoxicated and who are too drowsy to drive. Since summer is a typical time for attending backyard barbecues and get-togethers where alcohol is consumed, and for taking road trips, rates of drunk driving and drowsy driving crashes rise. With teenagers out of school for summer break, there are also more teen motorists on the roads. Even when teen drivers take safety precautions and avoid risky behaviors like drunk or distracted driving, they must navigate roads that are more crowded and that often have other drivers engaged in negligent behaviors behind the wheel.

It is important for parents and caregivers to spend time practicing safe driving behaviors with teens, and modeling safe driving behavior themselves. Parents and caregivers should also consider limiting teen driving at night, and limiting teen driving with other teen vehicle occupants — statistically, both tend to increase the risk of a crash.

 Contact a Richmond Car Accident Attorney Today

If your teen driver was injured in a collision and you believe another motorist was at fault, it is important to speak with a lawyer about options for filing a claim. One of the experienced Richmond car accident attorneys at Latham & Martin can speak with you today to assess the case and to begin working with you on an insurance claim or a civil lawsuit.




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