Types of Useful Evidence in a Car Crash Case
After any type of motor vehicle crash in the Richmond area, it will be important to obtain evidence that may be useful to you when you seek compensation later on. In the immediate aftermath of a collision, anyone who has been injured can feel disoriented, such that gathering evidence may be difficult. Further, some car accident injuries are severe enough that it is not possible for the injured person to move around and gather evidence. If you can, it is important to obtain certain types of evidence at the scene of the collision, but other forms of evidence can also be useful and even essential to an auto accident case. What are some of the most useful types of evidence in a traffic collision claim? Consider the following information from our auto injury lawyers.
Photographs and Video Evidence of the Scene of the Collision
Photographs and video evidence taken at the scene of the accident can show where the collision occurred, and this type of documentation can also allow an accident reconstruction expert to suggest how it occurred.
Witness Testimony
Witness testimony from anyone who witnessed or was involved in the crash can be essential. Thus it is important to obtain contact information for witnesses at the scene of the crash if you can.
Crash Report
A crash report can provide essential information about the collision. Any party who was involved in an accident or impacted by it can typically obtain a crash report.
Medical Records
Your medical records will be critical evidence in your case. They will be a source of information about the cause and timing of your injuries, and they will also be able to show the direct financial losses you have experienced as a result of the crash.
Wage Statements
If you are seeking compensation for lost wages as a result of your injury and time spent in recovery, you will need to obtain your wage statements to show what you would have earned had the accident not occurred.
Evidence Specific to the Cause of the Collision
A lawyer can work with you to determine the specific type(s) of evidence that will be most useful in your case, and often you will want to obtain evidence that is specific to the cause of the collision in which you were injured. For example, if a distracted driver caused your injuries, you may need to obtain cell phone data to prove that the motorist was texting while driving. Or, if an intoxicated driver caused the crash, you will likely need to obtain information about any chemical tests given to the driver and any resulting criminal charges for driving under the influence.
Contact Our Car Accident Attorneys
Motor vehicle collisions of all types can result in significant property damage and severe personal injuries. When a crash occurs and one or more people are injured, it is essential for any injured party to begin working with an attorney who can assess the case, determine liability, and assist the injured person with a claim. Car accident cases often begin with an auto insurance claim, but they often require a civil lawsuit, as well. In severe collisions, liability insurance is not always sufficient to cover losses, but a car accident lawsuit can help to make up the difference. If you need assistance with an insurance claim or an injury lawsuit, one of the experienced car accident lawyers at Latham & Martin can assist you. Contact us today for more information.